Semileptonic B Decay Parameters
- determine the best values of the inclusive and exclusive semileptonic B decay branching ratios from the combined data.
- determining the best possible values of F(1)|Vcb| and of the inclusive semileptonic B decay rate.
- use a consistent approach for the moments.
- using consistent approaches in all the experiments based on the latest theoretical etc developments,
- checking consistency of results between the expts,
- evaluating the systematics common to all the expts,
- comparing the results of the different methods properly taking account of any common experimental systematics
- trying if possible to understand their theoretical errors and how to control and minimise them in discussion with theorists.
- Challenges in Semileptonic B Decays 2018, Mainz, April 9-13, 2018
- Challenges in Semileptonic B Decays 2015, Mainz, April 20-24, 2015
- Vxb 2009: Joint workshop on |Vub| & |Vcb| at the B-Factories, SLAC, October 29-31, 2009
- Joint workshop on |Vub| & |Vcb| at the B-Factories, Heidelberg, December 14-16, 2007.
Previous averages can be found on the webpages of the LEP VCB working group and the LEP VUB working group.Date | Update Information | Remarks |
FPCP 2017 | Includes the R(D*) measurement from LHCb presented at FPCP, where the τ is reconstructed into hadronic τ→3πν decay mode. | |
Moriond EW 2017 | Update for R(D*) with hadronic τ decay by Belle presented at ICHEP2016 (arXiv:1612.00529). | |
Summer 2016 | update common.param | Summer 2016 averages |
Winter 2016 | Update for R(D(*))=BF(B→D(*)τντ)/BF(B→D(*) l νl) with a Belle preliminary result presented at Moriond EW. | |
EPS-HEP 2015 | First average for R(D(*))=BF(B→D(*)τντ)/BF(B→D(*) l νl). All the other averages have not been updated. | |
Summer 2014/PDG 2014 | update common.param | Summer 2014 averages, also used for the PDG2014 |
PDG 2013 update | update common.param | Results used for the PDG2013 update and PDG2014 Vcb and Vub review |
End Of Year 2011/PDG 2012 | update common.param | End Of Year 2011 averages. Results also used for the PDG2012 |
End Of Year 2009/Winter 2010 | update common.param | End Of Year 2009 averages. |
PDG 2010 | update common.param | Many new averages. Results used for the PDG 2010 |
FPCP 2009 | update common.param | FPCP09 averages. |
ICHEP 2008 | update common.param | ICHEP08 averages. |
End Of Year 2007 | update common.param | Updates with preliminary results which do not appear in the PDG08 averages. Results are included in [arXiv:0808.1297]. |
PDG 2008 | update common.param | Many new averages. Results used for the PDG2008 |
LP 2007 | update common.param | Summer 2007 results |
PDG 2007 | update common.param | Results used for the PDG07 |
Summer 2006 | update common.param | Preliminary |
ICHEP 2006 | update common.param | Preliminary |
Winter 2006 | update common.param | Preliminary |
PDG 2006 | update common.param | Preliminary |
EPS 2005 | update common.param | Preliminary |
Lepton-Photon 2005 | update common.param | Preliminary |
Winter 2005 | update common.param | Preliminary |
PDG 2005 | update common.param | Changes to some BF for PDG web update |
Summer 2004 (Beijing) | update common.param | Many new Vub results, the averages are still preliminary! |
Winter 2004 | update common.param | No new results, but an inclusive Vub average. First version of written documentation |
PDG 2004 | update common.param | No substantial change with respect to PDG 2003 |
LP 2003 | update common.param | New BABAR result on |Vcb| from B0->D*lnu |
EPS 2003 | update common.param | New CLEO inclusive semileptonic branching ratio |
PDG 2003 | update common.param | Changes to D*lnu by exclusion/supercession of old ARGUS and CLEO analyses |
Winter 2003 | update common.param | Updates from BABAR for D*lnu and BABAR/Belle for |Vub| |
Summer 2002 | update common.param | Migration to new presentation. Information identical to old webpages |
- Meeting minutes.
- A long version of the PDG-2002 writeup for the averages of the inclusive semileptonic branching and determinations of |Vcb| has been released as a preprint.
- The difficulties of averaging |Vub| are documented in the PDG-2002 writeup. (There is no long version.)
Members of the Sub-Group
Experiment | Contact Persons |
Concezio Bozzi (LHCb)
Marcello Rotondo Vera Luth |
Jochen Dingfelder
Christoph Schwanda Phillip Urquijo |
Further contributors:
Marina Artuso (CLEO), Elisabetta Barberio (BELLE), Oliver Buchmueller (CMS, former BABAR), Henning Flaecher (ATLAS, former BABAR), Bob Kowalewski (BABAR, former convener), Heiko Lacker (BABAR, former member), Matthew Jones (CDF, former member), Art Snyder (BABAR)
We gratefully acknowledge the advice of:
Antonio Limosani (BELLE, former convener), and David Lopez Pegna (BABAR, former convener).
You can send a mail to the entire group with the major-domo list
This page is maintained by Marcello Rotondo and was last updated