1. Introduction
All results and input files are available at
In the following (in no particular order), the updates for Winter 2005
with respect to Summer 2004 are discussed.
2. Changes to common parameters
We use the updated input parameters for mixing and lifetimes from the
HFAG Winter 2005 update.
3. New measurements
Two measurements of BF(B0 -> D*- l+ nu) and Vcb*F(1) / rho2 have gone
from preliminary to published, namely (DELPHI) Eur.Phys.J.C33:213,2004
and (BABAR) Phys.Rev.D71:051502,2004.
Two measurements of BF(B -> X l+ nu) have gone from preliminary to
published, namely (CLEO) Phys.Rev.D70:032003,2004 and (BABAR)
Phys.Rev.D69:111104, 2004. These are based on measurements of the
electron energy moments and are taken to replace the previous CLEO
and BABAR results.
4. Feedback
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