1. Introduction
All results and input files are available at
In the following (in no particular order), the updates for PDG 2006
with respect to PDG 2005 (web update) are discussed. In a number of cases we corrected bugs in the
input and param files used to compute the averages. In general the effects of those changes are minor.
| PDG 2005 | PDG 2006
BF(B0-> D l nu) % | 2.12 +- 0.20 | 2.12 +- 0.20
BF(B0-> D* l nu) % | 5.34 +- 0.20 | 5.35 +- 0.20
BF(B->Xlnu) % | 10.87 +- 0.17 | 10.78 +- 0.18
|V(cb)|F(1) | 37.6 +- 0.9 | 37.6 +- 0.8
rho^2 | 1.56 +- 0.14 | 1.58 +- 0.14
|V(cb)|G(1) | 42.2 +- 3.7 | 42.6 +- 4.5
rho^2 | 1.15 +- 0.16 | 1.17 +- 0.18
We include a table of [B+ -> X l+nu] and [B0 -> X- l+ nu] branching fractions
separately. Currently we do not possess enough information of the older measurements
to enable us to compute the average at this time. We assume PDG will re-do their average
with the new Belle result included.
2. Changes to common parameters
We use the updated input parameters for mixing and lifetimes from the
HFAG PDG 2006 update (common.param).