HFAG-Tau Early 2012 Report
5 |Vus| measurement
The CKM coefficient |Vus| can be measured in several ways from the
comparison of tau partial widths to strange and non-strange final states.
5.1 Inclusive tau partial width to strange
The tau hadronic partial width is the sum of the tau partial width to
strange and to non-strange hadronic final states,
Γhad = Γs + ΓVA .
Dividing by the partial width to electron, Γe, we obtain partial width ratios
(which are equal to the respective branching fraction ratios) for which
Rhad = Rs + RVA . In terms
of such ratios, |Vus| is measured as
| |Vus| | = | | |
Rs/ | ⎡
⎣ | | − δ Rtheory | ⎤
⎦ |
| ,
| | | | | | | | | (1) |
where δ Rtheory can be determined in the context of low
energy QCD theory, partly relying on experimental low energy scattering
data. We use δ Rtheory =
0.240 ± 0.032 [70], which induces a systematic
error on |Vus| that lies between two more recent estimates [71, 83].
In the following, we use the universality improved B euni
(see Section 4) to compute the R ratios.
The most direct experimental determination of Rs and RVA =
Rhad−Rs come from the tau inclusive branching fractions to
hadronic and strange hadronic states, B had and B s . However
often the total hadronic branching fraction has been replaced by the
indirect but more precise expression B had uni = 1 − B e
−B µ (or similar expressions based on B euni), using
unitarity, see for example the 2009 HFAG report [31]. We
depart from this choice here, and we use the most direct determination of
Rhad, for two reasons: first there is no significant statistical gain in
the final errors, because of statistical correlations in the Rhad expression (1−B e −B µ)/B euniv, and second the indirect
determination of RVA = Rhad uni − Rs would
absorb the effect of possible unobserved hadronic states entirely in
RVA, while they could also be strange final states.
With the above choices, using |Vud| = 0.97425 ± 0.00022 [73], using
HFAG values of this report, including the above-mentioned
B euniv,
B s = (2.872 ± 0.050)% (see also Table 9),
B VA = (61.85 ± 0.11)%)
and the PDG 2011 averages, we obtain |Vus| τ s = 0.2172 ± 0.0022 , which
is 3.4 σ lower than the unitarity CKM
prediction |Vus| uni = 0.2255 ± 0.0010 , from (|Vus| uni)2 = 1 −
|Vud| 2. The |Vus| τ s uncertainty includes a systematic error
contribution of 0.0010 from the theory uncertainty on
δ Rtheory,
If we use the alternative above mentioned
definitions of B had, the mismatch remains 3.4σ.
Using a unitarity-constrained tau branching fraction fit, the mismatch remains
3.4σ. The 3.4 σ discrepancy is
close to the unconstrained fit result of the 2009 HFAG report,
3.6σ [31], and also to the 3.3σ
from the HFAG-Tau 2011 intermediate document [46], based
on a unitarity-constrained fit.
Table 9: HFAG Winter 2012 Tau branching fractions to strange final states. |
Branching fraction | HFAG Winter 2012 fit |
| (0.6955 ± 0.0096) · 10−2 |
| (0.4322 ± 0.0149) · 10−2 |
| (0.0630 ± 0.0222) · 10−2 |
Γ28 = K− 3π0 ντ (ex. K0,η)
| (0.0419 ± 0.0218) · 10−2 |
| (0.8206 ± 0.0182) · 10−2 |
| (0.3649 ± 0.0108) · 10−2 |
| (0.0269 ± 0.0230) · 10−2 |
| (0.0222 ± 0.0202) · 10−2 |
| (0.0153 ± 0.0008) · 10−2 |
| (0.0048 ± 0.0012) · 10−2 |
| (0.0094 ± 0.0015) · 10−2 |
| (0.0410 ± 0.0092) · 10−2 |
| (0.0037 ± 0.0014) · 10−2 |
Γ802 = K− π− π+ ντ (ex. K0,ω)
| (0.2923 ± 0.0068) · 10−2 |
Γ803 = K− π− π+ π0 ντ (ex. K0,ω,η)
| (0.0411 ± 0.0143) · 10−2 |
| (2.8746 ± 0.0498) · 10−2 |
5.2 |Vus| from B (τ → Kν) / B (τ → πν) and from B (τ → Kν)
We use the ratio of branching fractions B (τ− → K− ντ )/B (τ− → π− ντ ) = 0.0643 ± 0.0009 to
measure |Vus| from the equation
| B (τ− → K− ντ ) |
B (τ− → π− ντ ) |
| =
| | | |
| rLD(τ− → K−ντ) |
rLD(τ− → π−ντ) |
| .
| | | | | | | | | |
In this ratio, the short-distance radiative corrections cancel.
The term rLD(p) = 1 + δLD(p) corresponds to the
long-distance electroweak radiative correction factor for the process p.
Following Ref. [45], the ratio of radiative correction
factors is estimated as rLDKπ =
rLD(τ− → K−ν/K− → µ−ν) /
rLD(τ− → π−ν/π− → µ−ν) ·
rLD(K− → µ−ν)/rLD(π− → µ−ν),
where the first ratio is [1+ (0.90 ± 0.22)%]/[1+
(0.16 ± 0.14)%] [65] and the second ratio
is (0.9930 ± 0.0035)% [85], hence assuming
independent errors rLDKπ =
1.0003 ± 0.0044 .
The ratio fK/fπ is estimated in lattice QCD to be 1.1936 ± 0.0053 [80].
We measure |Vus| τ K/π = 0.2229 ± 0.0020 ,
1.2 σ below the CKM unitarity prediction.
We use the branching fraction B (τ− → K− ντ ) to
measure |Vus| from the equation
| B (τ− → K−ντ) =
| GF2 fK2 |Vus| 2 mτ3 ττ |
16πℏ |
| | ⎛
⎝ | 1 − | | | ⎞
⎠ | | SEW ,
| | | | | | | | | | |
where fK = 156.1 ± 1.1 MeV [80] is the
kaon decay constant estimated with lattice QCD, and SEW = 1.0201 ± 0.0003 [68]
accounts for the radiative corrections. We obtain |Vus| τ K =
0.2214 ± 0.0022 , wich is 1.7 σ below
the CKM unitarity prediction. CODATA 2006 results [90] and
PDG 2011 have been used for the physics constants.
5.3 |Vus| from tau summary
Figure 1: |Vus| averages of this document compared with the FlaviaNet results [27].
We summarize the |Vus| results reporting the values, the discrepancy with
respect to the |Vus| determination from CKM unitarity, and an illustration
of the measurement method:
| | |Vus| uni | | = 0.2255 ± 0.0010 | | | | | | | | | |
| |Vus| τ s | | = 0.2172 ± 0.0022 | | −3.4 σ | | from Γ(τ− → Xs− ντ) , | | | | | |
| |Vus| τ K/π | | = 0.2229 ± 0.0020 | | −1.2 σ | | from Γ(τ− → K− ντ )/Γ(τ− → π− ντ ) , | | | | | |
| |Vus| τ K | | = 0.2214 ± 0.0022 | | −1.7 σ | | from Γ(τ− → K− ντ ) .
| | | | | |
Thanks to the improved lattice QCD determination of
fK [80], the uncertainty on
|Vus| τ K has been significantly reduced with respect to the
previous HFAG report. Averaging the three above |Vus| determinations we
| | |Vus| τ | | = 0.2203 ± 0.0015 | | −2.9 σ | average of 3 |Vus| tau measurements.
| | | | | | |
We could not find a published estimate of the correlation of the
uncertainties on fK and fK/fπ, but even if we assume ±
100% correlation, the uncertainty on |Vus| τ does not change
more than about ± 5%. Figure 1 summarizes the
|Vus| results.
HFAG-Tau Early 2012 Report