
HFLAV-Tau 2018 Report


5  |Vus| measurement

The CKM matrix element magnitude |Vus| is most precisely determined from kaon decays [75] (see Figure 1), and its precision is limited by the uncertainties of the lattice QCD estimates of the meson decay constants f+Kπ(0) and fK±/fπ±. Using the τ branching fractions, it is possible to determine |Vus| in an alternative way [76, 77] that does not depend on lattice QCD and has small theory uncertainties (as discussed in Section 5.1). Moreover, |Vus| can be determined using the τ branching fractions similarly to the kaon case, using the same meson decay constants from lattice QCD.

5.1  |Vus| from B(τ → Xsν)

The τ hadronic partial width is the sum of the τ partial widths to strange and to non-strange hadronic final states, Γhad = Γs + ΓVA . The suffix “VA” traditionally denotes the sum of the τ partial widths to non-strange final states, which proceed through either vector or axial-vector currents.

Dividing any partial width Γx by the electronic partial width, Γe, we obtain partial width ratios Rx (which are equal to the respective branching fraction ratios Bx/ Be) for which Rhad = Rs + RVA . In terms of such ratios, |Vus| can be measured as [76, 77]

  |Vus| τ s

|Vud| 2
 −  δ Rtheory


where δ Rtheory can be determined in the context of low energy QCD theory, partly relying on experimental low energy scattering data. The literature reports several calculations [78, 79, 80]. In this report we use Ref. [78], whose estimated uncertainty size is intermediate between the two other ones. We use the information in that paper and the PDG 2018 value for the s-quark mass ms = 95.00 ± 6.70 MeV [6] to calculate δ Rtheory = 0.242 ± 0.033.

We proceed following the same procedure of the 2012 HFLAV report [81]. We sum the relevant τ branching fractions to compute BVA and Bs and we use the universality-improved Beuni (see Section 4) to compute the RVA and Rs ratios. In past determinations of |Vus|, for example in the 2009 HFLAV report [82], the total hadronic branching fraction has been computed using unitarity as Bhad uni = 1 − BeBµ, obtaining then Bs from the sum of the strange branching fractions and BVA from Bhad uniBs . We prefer to use the more direct experimental determination of BVA for two reasons. First, both methods result in comparable uncertainties on |Vus|, since the better precision on Bhad uni = 1 − BeBµ is counterbalanced by increased correlations in the expressions (1− BeBµ)/ Beuniv and Bs/( BhadBs) in the |Vus| calculation. Second, if there are unobserved τ hadronic decay modes, they would affect BVA and Bs in a more asymmetric way when using unitarity.

Using the τ branching fraction fit results with their uncertainties and correlations (Section 2), we compute Bs = (2.931 ± 0.041)% (see also Table 13) and BVA = BhadBs = (61.83 ± 0.10)%, where Bhad has been defined in section 4. PDG 2018 averages are used for non-τ quantities; |Vud| = 0.97420 ± 0.00021 [83, 84].

We obtain |Vus| τ s = 0.2195 ± 0.0019, which is 2.9σ lower than the unitarity CKM prediction |Vus| uni = 0.22565 ± 0.00089, from (|Vus| uni)2 = 1 − |Vud| 2 − |Vub| 2. The |Vus| τ s uncertainty includes a systematic error contribution of 0.0011 from the theory uncertainty on δ Rtheory. The 2018 BaBar preliminary results improved the |Vus| precision by about 10% and reduced the discrepancy by about 6.5%.

Table 13: HFLAV 2018 τ branching fractions to strange final states.
Branching fractionHFLAV 2018 fit (%)
K ντ0.6986 ± 0.0085
K π0 ντ0.4904 ± 0.0092
K0 ντ (ex. K0)0.0585 ± 0.0027
K0 ντ (ex. K0,η)0.0113 ± 0.0026
π K0 ντ0.8378 ± 0.0139
π K0 π0 ντ0.3807 ± 0.0129
π K00 ντ (ex. K0)0.0235 ± 0.0231
K0 h h h+ ντ0.0222 ± 0.0202
K η ντ0.0154 ± 0.0008
K π0 η ντ0.0048 ± 0.0012
π K0 η ντ0.0094 ± 0.0015
K ω ντ0.0410 ± 0.0092
K φ ντ (φ → K+ K)0.0022 ± 0.0008
K φ ντ (φ → KS0 KL0)0.0015 ± 0.0006
K π π+ ντ (ex. K0,ω)0.2923 ± 0.0067
K π π+ π0 ντ (ex. K0,ω,η)0.0410 ± 0.0143
K+ ντ (ex. K0)0.0001 ± 0.0001
K+ π0 ντ (ex. K0)0.0001 ± 0.0001
Xs ντ2.9308 ± 0.0412

5.2  |Vus| from B(τ → Kν) / B(τ → πν)

We compute |Vus| from the ratio of branching fractions B(τ → K ντ) / B(τ → π ντ) = (6.467 ± 0.084) · 10−2 from the equation [85]:

 B(τ → K ντ)
 B(τ → π ντ)
fK±2 |Vus| 2
fπ±2 |Vud| 2

mτ2 − mK2 

mτ2 −  mπ2 
1+δ Rτ/K
1+δ Rτ/π
(1+δ RK)

We use fK±/fπ± = 1.1932 ± 0.0019 from the FLAG 2019 lattice QCD averages with Nf=2+1+1 [86, 87, 88, 89],

1+δ Rτ/K
1+δ Rτ/π
1+(0.90 ± 0.22)%
1+(0.16 ± 0.14)%
 [71727374] ,
 1+δ RK = 1 + (−0.69 ± 0.17)% [689091] .          

The value of δ RK in the Spring 2017 HFLAV-Tau report [2] incorrectly included a strong isospin-breaking correction that is not needed when using fK±/fπ± rather than its isospin-limit variant. We compute |Vus| τ K = 0.2236 ± 0.0015, 1.2σ below the CKM unitarity prediction.

5.3  |Vus| from B(τ → Kν)

We determine |Vus| from the branching fraction BK ντ ) using

   B → Kντ) =
 fK±2 |Vus| 2 ττ  mτ3 

1 − 


(1+δ Rτ/K) (1+δ RKµ2) .

We use fK± = 155.7 ± 0.3 MeV from the FLAG 2019 lattice QCD averages with Nf=2+1+1 [86, 87, 92, 88], δ Rτ/K = (0.90 ± 0.22)% [71, 72, 73, 74] and δ RKµ2 = (1.07 ± 0.21)% [90, 6, 93], which includes short and long-distance radiative corrections. We obtain |Vus| τ K = 0.2234 ± 0.0015, which is 1.3σ below the CKM unitarity prediction. The physical constants have been taken from PDG 2018 (which uses CODATA 2014 [94]).

5.4  |Vus| from τ summary

PNG format PDF format
Vus summary plot
Figure 1: |Vus| averages.

We summarize the |Vus| results reporting the values, the discrepancy with respect to the |Vus| determination from CKM unitarity, and an illustration of the measurement method:

 |Vus| uni     = 0.22565     ± 0.00089              
1 − |Vud| 2 − |Vub| 2
   (CKM unitarity)] , 
 |Vus| τ s     = 0.2195     ± 0.0019        −2.9σ      [from   B → Xs ντ)] ,    
 |Vus| τ K     = 0.2236     ± 0.0015        −1.2σ      [from   B → K ντ )/ B → π ντ )] ,    
 |Vus| τ K     = 0.2234     ± 0.0015        −1.3σ      [from   B → K ντ )] .    

Averaging the three above |Vus| determinations that rely on the τ branching fractions (taking into account all correlations due to the τ HFLAV and other mentioned inputs) we obtain, for |Vus| and its discrepancy:

  |Vus| τ     = 0.2221 ± 0.0013      −2.2σ        [average of 3 |Vus| τ measurements] .       

The correlation between fK± and fK±/fπ± has been assumed to be zero. Even assuming ± 100% correlation, the |Vus| uncertainty varies by less than 10%.

All |Vus| determinations based on measured τ branching fractions are lower than both the kaon and the CKM-unitarity determinations. This is correlated with the fact that the direct measurements of the three major τ branching fractions to kaons [ B(τ→K ντ), B(τ→K π0 ντ) and B(τ→π K0 ντ)] are lower than their determinations from the kaon branching fractions into final states with leptons within the SM [68, 95, 96].

Alternative deterrminations of |Vus| from B(τ → Xsν) [97, 98], based on partially different sets of experimental inputs, report |Vus| values consistent with the unitarity determination.

Figure 1 reports the HFLAV |Vus| determinations that use the τ branching fractions, compared to two |Vus| determinations based on kaon data [6] and to |Vus| obtained from |Vud| and the CKM matrix unitarity [6].


HFLAV-Tau 2018 Report
