
HFLAV-Tau Winter 2022 Report


2 Branching fraction fit

A fit of the available experimental measurements is used to determine the τ branching fractions, together with their uncertainties and correlations.

All relevant published statistical and systematic correlations among the measurements are used. In addition, for a selection of measurements, particularly the most precise and the most recent ones, the documented systematic uncertainty contributions are examined to consider systematic dependence on external parameters. We use the standard HFLAV procedures to account for the updated values and uncertainties of the external parameters and for the correlations induced on different measurements that have a systematic dependence on the same external parameter.

Both the measurements and the fitted quantities consist of either τ decay branching fractions, labelled Bi, or ratios of two τ decay branching fractions, labelled Bi/ Bj. Some branching fractions are sums of other branching fractions, for instance, B8 = Bh ντ), which is the sum of B9 = B→π ντ) and B10 = BK ντ), with the symbol h referring to a π or a K. The fit χ2 is constructed following Eq. ‍(??) and minimized subject to a list of constraints on the fitted quantities:

The constraints are implemented with Lagrange multipliers (see Sec. ‍??. In some cases, constraints arise from approximate relations that nevertheless hold within the present experimental precision and are treated as exact. For instance, the constraint BK K K+ ντ) = BK φ ντ) × B(φ→ K+K) is justified given the current experimental evidence. Section ‍2.6 lists all constraint equations relating the fitted quantities.

Following a convention established in the Review of Particle Physics, τ branching fractions are often labelled with the final state content of π±, π0, K±, γ, implicitly including decay chains that involve intermediate particles, e.g., KS0→π+π, and η, ω, φ decays. When measurements exclude the contribution of some or all the known intermediate particles, the branching fraction notation flags this information by adding, e.g., “ex.K0”.

2.1 Fit results

We use a total of 171 measurements to fit 135 quantities subject to 88 constraints. The fit has χ2/d.o.f. = 134/124, corresponding to a confidence level CL = 24.56%. The fitted quantity values and uncertainties are listed in Table ‍1. Although the fit treats all quantities in the same way, for the purpose of presenting correlations we select a set of 47 “basis quantities” from which all remaining quantities can be calculated using the definitions listed in Section ‍2.6. The off-diagonal correlation coefficients between the basis quantities are listed in Section ‍2.5.

Table ‍1 also reports B110 = BXs ντ) (see Section ‍2.6), the total measured branching fraction for τ decays to final states with strangeness 1. Also reported is the unitarity residual B998 = 1 − BAll = (0.0684 ± 0.1068) · 10−2, where 1 − BAll is the sum of the τ branching fractions into all measured final states. We find that B998 is consistent with 0 to within the experimental uncertainty. A unitarity constraint forcing B998 to be 0 is not applied.

In performing the fit, a scale factor of 5.44 was applied to the published uncertainties of the two severely inconsistent measurements of B96 = τ → KKKν by BaBar and Belle. The scale-factor value was chosen using the PDG procedure, i.e., it is such that χ2/d.o.f.=1 when fitting just the two B96 measurements.

2.2 Changes with respect to the previous report

In the previous HFLAV reports ‍[2, 3, 4, 5], information from the ALEPH Collaboration ‍[6] was used to compute inclusive τ branching fractions for final states with one or more hadron, where each hadron can be either a pion or a kaon. In the current report, we use Ref. ‍[6] for the branching fractions for exclusive final states containing one or more charged pions. The past choice granted some minor advantages, which are now dropped in the interest of simplicity. As a consequence, the τ branching fraction global fit reported here matches more closely the fit that we supply to the PDG, reported in Ref. ‍[7].

A set of preliminary BaBar results presented in 2018 ‍[8], used in the τ branching fraction fit in the previous HFLAV report ‍[5], are not used here since they have not yet been published. Therefore, we now use the older BaBar measurement of B16 = BK π0 ντ) in Ref. ‍[9]. This revision of input measurements causes a significant shift of the value of BK0 ντ (ex.K0,η)), which is however consistent with the large uncertainty on the sole direct measurement of this mode by ALEPH.

Since this edition, we use new improved calculations of the radiative corrections for the theory predictions of the τ decays to pseudoscalar mesons ‍[10]. The estimated uncertainties are increased but more reliable in comparison to the previous estimations ‍[11, 12, 13, 14]. There is a minor increase of the uncertainties on the lepton universality tests based on hadronic τ decays (section ‍3) and on |Vus| (section ‍5).

The parameters used to update the measurements’ systematic biases and the parameters appearing in the constraint equations in Section ‍2.6 have been updated to the PDG 2020 update ‍[7].

2.3 Differences between the HFLAV 2021 fit and the PDG 2021 fit

Our branching-fraction fit is different from that of the PDG ‍[7] in several ways.

The PDG fit enforces the unitarity constraint B998=0, while the HFLAV 2021 fit does not.

As in our previous report ‍[5], we use the ALEPH ‍[7] estimate for B805 = Ba1 γ) ντ), which is not a direct measurement. By contrast, the PDG fit defines B805 = B(a1→πγ)× B(τ → 3π ν), using the PDG average of B(a1→πγ) as a parameter in the fit. As a consequence, the PDG fit procedure does not take into account the large uncertainty on B(a1→πγ). This results in an underestimated uncertainty on B805, which is then properly adjusted with respect to the fit result in the PDG listings.

2.4 Branching fraction fit results and experimental inputs

Table ‍1 reports the experimental inputs to the τ branching-fraction fit and the fit results.

Table 1: HFLAV 2021 branching fractions fit results.
τ lepton branching fractionExperimentReference
 B1 = particle ≥ 0  neutrals ≥ 0   K0  ντ
0.8518 ± 0.0011average 
 B2 = particle ≥ 0  neutrals ≥ 0   KL0  ντ
0.8452 ± 0.0010average 
 B3 = µνµντ
0.17387 ± 0.00040average 
0.17319 ± 0.00070 ± 0.00032ALEPH[6]
0.17325 ± 0.00095 ± 0.00077DELPHI[15]
0.17342 ± 0.00110 ± 0.00067L3[16]
0.17340 ± 0.00090 ± 0.00060OPAL[17]
eνe ντ
0.9762 ± 0.0028average 
0.9970 ± 0.0350 ± 0.0400ARGUS[18]
0.9796 ± 0.0016 ± 0.0036BaBar[19]
0.9777 ± 0.0063 ± 0.0087CLEO[20]
 B5 = eνe ντ
0.17811 ± 0.00041average 
0.17837 ± 0.00072 ± 0.00036ALEPH[6]
0.17760 ± 0.00060 ± 0.00170CLEO[20]
0.17877 ± 0.00109 ± 0.00110DELPHI[15]
0.17806 ± 0.00104 ± 0.00076L3[16]
0.17810 ± 0.00090 ± 0.00060OPAL[21]
 B7 = h ≥ 0   KL0  ντ
0.12020 ± 0.00055average 
0.12400 ± 0.00700 ± 0.00700DELPHI[22]
0.12470 ± 0.00260 ± 0.00430L3[23]
0.12100 ± 0.00700 ± 0.00500OPAL[24]
 B8 = h ντ
0.11504 ± 0.00054average 
0.11520 ± 0.00050 ± 0.00120CLEO[20]
0.11571 ± 0.00120 ± 0.00114DELPHI[25]
0.11980 ± 0.00130 ± 0.00160OPAL[26]
h ντ
eνe ντ
0.6459 ± 0.0033average 
 B9 = π ντ
0.10808 ± 0.00053average 
0.10828 ± 0.00070 ± 0.00078ALEPH[6]
π ντ
eνe ντ
0.6068 ± 0.0032average 
0.5945 ± 0.0014 ± 0.0061BaBar[19]
 B10 = K ντ
(0.6957 ± 0.0096) · 10−2average 
(0.6960 ± 0.0250 ± 0.0140) · 10−2 ALEPH[27]
(0.6600 ± 0.0700 ± 0.0900) · 10−2 CLEO[28]
(0.8500 ± 0.1800 ± 0.0000) · 10−2 DELPHI[29]
(0.6580 ± 0.0270 ± 0.0290) · 10−2 OPAL[30]
K ντ
eνe ντ
(3.906 ± 0.054) · 10−2average 
(3.882 ± 0.032 ± 0.057) · 10−2 BaBar[19]
K ντ
π ντ
(6.437 ± 0.092) · 10−2average 
 B11 = h ≥ 1   neutrals  ντ
0.36977 ± 0.00098average 
 B12 = h ≥ 1  π0  ντ (ex.K0)
0.36477 ± 0.00098average 
 B13 = h π0 ντ
0.25918 ± 0.00090average 
0.25670 ± 0.00010 ± 0.00390Belle[31]
0.25870 ± 0.00120 ± 0.00420CLEO[32]
0.25740 ± 0.00201 ± 0.00138DELPHI[25]
0.25050 ± 0.00350 ± 0.00500L3[23]
0.25890 ± 0.00170 ± 0.00290OPAL[26]
 B14 = π π0 ντ
0.25486 ± 0.00090average 
0.25471 ± 0.00097 ± 0.00085ALEPH[6]
 B16 = K π0 ντ
(0.4322 ± 0.0148) · 10−2average 
(0.4440 ± 0.0260 ± 0.0240) · 10−2 ALEPH[27]
(0.4160 ± 0.0030 ± 0.0180) · 10−2 BaBar[9]
(0.5100 ± 0.1000 ± 0.0700) · 10−2 CLEO[28]
(0.4710 ± 0.0590 ± 0.0230) · 10−2 OPAL[33]
 B17 = h ≥ 2   π0  ντ
0.10794 ± 0.00097average 
0.09910 ± 0.00310 ± 0.00270OPAL[26]
 B18 = h 2π0 ντ
(9.460 ± 0.100) · 10−2average 
 B19 = h 2π0 ντ (ex.K0)
(9.309 ± 0.100) · 10−2average 
(9.498 ± 0.320 ± 0.275) · 10−2 DELPHI[25]
(8.880 ± 0.370 ± 0.420) · 10−2 L3[23]
h 2π0 ντ (ex.K0)
h π0 ντ
0.3592 ± 0.0045average 
0.3420 ± 0.0060 ± 0.0160CLEO[34]
 B20 = π 2π0 ντ (ex.K0)
(9.245 ± 0.099) · 10−2average 
(9.239 ± 0.086 ± 0.090) · 10−2 ALEPH[6]
 B23 = K 2π0 ντ (ex.K0)
(0.0634 ± 0.0219) · 10−2average 
(0.0560 ± 0.0200 ± 0.0150) · 10−2 ALEPH[27]
(0.0900 ± 0.1000 ± 0.0300) · 10−2 CLEO[28]
 B24 = h ≥ 3  π0  ντ
(1.335 ± 0.066) · 10−2average 
 B25 = h ≥ 3  π0  ντ (ex.K0)
(1.250 ± 0.066) · 10−2average 
(1.403 ± 0.214 ± 0.224) · 10−2 DELPHI[25]
 B26 = h 3π0 ντ
(1.173 ± 0.072) · 10−2average 
(1.700 ± 0.240 ± 0.380) · 10−2 L3[23]
h 3π0 ντ
h π0 ντ
(4.526 ± 0.278) · 10−2average 
(4.400 ± 0.300 ± 0.500) · 10−2 CLEO[34]
 B27 = π 3π0 ντ (ex.K0)
(1.040 ± 0.071) · 10−2average 
(0.977 ± 0.069 ± 0.058) · 10−2 ALEPH[6]
 B28 = K 3π0 ντ (ex.K0,η)
(4.648 ± 2.131) · 10−4average 
(3.700 ± 2.100 ± 1.100) · 10−4 ALEPH[27]
 B29 = h 4π0 ντ (ex.K0)
(0.1587 ± 0.0391) · 10−2average 
(0.1600 ± 0.0500 ± 0.0500) · 10−2 CLEO[34]
 B30 = h 4π0 ντ (ex.K0,η)
(0.1118 ± 0.0391) · 10−2average 
(0.1120 ± 0.0370 ± 0.0350) · 10−2 ALEPH[6]
 B31 = K ≥ 0  π0 ≥ 0  K0 ≥ 0  γ ντ
(1.548 ± 0.029) · 10−2average 
(1.700 ± 0.120 ± 0.190) · 10−2 CLEO[28]
(1.540 ± 0.240 ± 0.000) · 10−2 DELPHI[29]
(1.528 ± 0.039 ± 0.040) · 10−2 OPAL[30]
 B32 = K ≥ 1  (π0 or K0 or γ) ντ
(0.8556 ± 0.0282) · 10−2average 
 B33 = KS0 (particles) ντ
(0.9370 ± 0.0292) · 10−2average 
(0.9700 ± 0.0580 ± 0.0620) · 10−2 ALEPH[35]
(0.9700 ± 0.0900 ± 0.0600) · 10−2 OPAL[36]
 B34 = hK0 ντ
(0.9861 ± 0.0138) · 10−2average 
(0.8550 ± 0.0360 ± 0.0730) · 10−2 CLEO[37]
 B35 = πK0 ντ
(0.8375 ± 0.0139) · 10−2average 
(0.9280 ± 0.0450 ± 0.0340) · 10−2 ALEPH[27]
(0.8320 ± 0.0025 ± 0.0150) · 10−2 Belle[38]
(0.9500 ± 0.1500 ± 0.0600) · 10−2 L3[39]
(0.9330 ± 0.0680 ± 0.0490) · 10−2 OPAL[40]
 B37 = KK0 ντ
(0.1486 ± 0.0034) · 10−2average 
(0.1580 ± 0.0420 ± 0.0170) · 10−2 ALEPH[35]
(0.1620 ± 0.0210 ± 0.0110) · 10−2 ALEPH[27]
(0.1478 ± 0.0022 ± 0.0040) · 10−2 BaBar[41]
(0.1480 ± 0.0013 ± 0.0055) · 10−2 Belle[38]
(0.1510 ± 0.0210 ± 0.0220) · 10−2 CLEO[37]
 B38 = KK0 ≥ 0   π0  ντ
(0.2985 ± 0.0073) · 10−2average 
(0.3300 ± 0.0550 ± 0.0390) · 10−2 OPAL[40]
 B39 = hK0 π0 ντ
(0.5310 ± 0.0134) · 10−2average 
(0.5620 ± 0.0500 ± 0.0480) · 10−2 CLEO[37]
 B40 = πK0 π0 ντ
(0.3810 ± 0.0129) · 10−2average 
(0.2940 ± 0.0730 ± 0.0370) · 10−2 ALEPH[35]
(0.3470 ± 0.0530 ± 0.0370) · 10−2 ALEPH[27]
(0.3860 ± 0.0031 ± 0.0135) · 10−2 Belle[38]
(0.4100 ± 0.1200 ± 0.0300) · 10−2 L3[39]
 B42 = KK0 π0 ντ
(0.1499 ± 0.0070) · 10−2average 
(0.1520 ± 0.0760 ± 0.0210) · 10−2 ALEPH[35]
(0.1430 ± 0.0250 ± 0.0150) · 10−2 ALEPH[27]
(0.1496 ± 0.0019 ± 0.0073) · 10−2 Belle[38]
(0.1450 ± 0.0360 ± 0.0200) · 10−2 CLEO[37]
 B43 = πK0 ≥ 1   π0  ντ
(0.4045 ± 0.0260) · 10−2average 
(0.3240 ± 0.0740 ± 0.0660) · 10−2 OPAL[40]
 B44 = πK0 2π0 ντ (ex.K0)
(2.342 ± 2.306) · 10−4average 
(2.600 ± 2.400 ± 0.000) · 10−4 ALEPH[42]
 B46 = πK0K0 ντ
(0.1517 ± 0.0247) · 10−2average 
 B47 = πKS0KS0 ντ
(2.349 ± 0.065) · 10−4average 
(2.600 ± 1.000 ± 0.500) · 10−4 ALEPH[35]
(2.310 ± 0.040 ± 0.080) · 10−4 BaBar[43]
(2.330 ± 0.033 ± 0.093) · 10−4 Belle[38]
(2.300 ± 0.500 ± 0.300) · 10−4 CLEO[37]
 B48 = πKS0KL0 ντ
(0.1048 ± 0.0247) · 10−2average 
(0.1010 ± 0.0230 ± 0.0130) · 10−2 ALEPH[35]
 B49 = π π0K0K0 ντ
(3.543 ± 1.193) · 10−4average 
 B50 = πKS0KS0 π0 ντ
(1.820 ± 0.207) · 10−5average 
(1.600 ± 0.200 ± 0.220) · 10−5 BaBar[43]
(2.000 ± 0.216 ± 0.202) · 10−5 Belle[38]
 B51 = πKS0KL0 π0 ντ
(3.179 ± 1.192) · 10−4average 
(3.100 ± 1.100 ± 0.500) · 10−4 ALEPH[35]
 B53 = K0hhh+ ντ
(2.223 ± 2.024) · 10−4average 
(2.300 ± 1.900 ± 0.700) · 10−4 ALEPH[35]
 B54 = hhh+ ≥ 0  neutrals ≥ 0   KL0  ντ
0.15193 ± 0.00063average 
0.15000 ± 0.00400 ± 0.00300CELLO[44]
0.14400 ± 0.00600 ± 0.00300L3[45]
0.15100 ± 0.00800 ± 0.00600TPC[46]
 B55 = hhh+ ≥ 0   neutrals  ντ (ex.K0)
0.14545 ± 0.00058average 
0.14556 ± 0.00105 ± 0.00076L3[47]
0.14960 ± 0.00090 ± 0.00220OPAL[48]
 B56 = hhh+ ντ
(9.790 ± 0.055) · 10−2average 
 B57 = hhh+ ντ (ex.K0)
(9.449 ± 0.054) · 10−2average 
(9.510 ± 0.070 ± 0.200) · 10−2 CLEO[49]
(9.317 ± 0.090 ± 0.082) · 10−2 DELPHI[25]
hhh+ ντ (ex.K0)
hhh+ ≥ 0   neutrals  ντ (ex.K0)
0.6496 ± 0.0031average 
0.6600 ± 0.0040 ± 0.0140OPAL[48]
 B58 = hhh+ ντ (ex.K0,ω)
(9.419 ± 0.054) · 10−2average 
 B59 = π π+ π ντ
(9.300 ± 0.052) · 10−2average 
 B60 = π π+ π ντ (ex.K0)
(9.010 ± 0.052) · 10−2average 
(8.830 ± 0.010 ± 0.130) · 10−2 BaBar[50]
(8.420 ± 0.000 −0.250+0.260) · 10−2 Belle[51]
(9.130 ± 0.050 ± 0.460) · 10−2 CLEO3[52]
 B62 = π π+ π ντ (ex.K0,ω)
(8.981 ± 0.052) · 10−2average 
(9.041 ± 0.060 ± 0.076) · 10−2 ALEPH[6]
 B63 = hhh+ ≥ 1   neutrals  ντ
(5.293 ± 0.052) · 10−2average 
 B64 = hhh+ ≥ 1   π0  ντ (ex.K0)
(5.088 ± 0.052) · 10−2average 
 B65 = hhh+ π0 ντ
(4.757 ± 0.054) · 10−2average 
 B66 = hhh+ π0 ντ (ex.K0)
(4.573 ± 0.054) · 10−2average 
(4.230 ± 0.060 ± 0.220) · 10−2 CLEO[49]
(4.545 ± 0.106 ± 0.103) · 10−2 DELPHI[25]
 B67 = hhh+ π0 ντ (ex.K0,ω)
(2.791 ± 0.071) · 10−2average 
 B68 = π π+ π π0 ντ
(4.620 ± 0.054) · 10−2average 
 B69 = π π+ π π0 ντ (ex.K0)
(4.488 ± 0.054) · 10−2average 
(4.598 ± 0.057 ± 0.064) · 10−2 ALEPH[6]
(4.190 ± 0.100 ± 0.210) · 10−2 CLEO[53]
 B70 = π π+ π π0 ντ (ex.K0,ω)
(2.743 ± 0.071) · 10−2average 
 B74 = hhh+ ≥ 2  π0  ντ (ex.K0)
(0.5154 ± 0.0312) · 10−2average 
(0.5610 ± 0.0680 ± 0.0950) · 10−2 DELPHI[25]
 B75 = hhh+ 2π0 ντ
(0.5041 ± 0.0311) · 10−2average 
 B76 = hhh+ 2π0 ντ (ex.K0)
(0.4942 ± 0.0311) · 10−2average 
(0.4350 ± 0.0300 ± 0.0350) · 10−2 ALEPH[6]
hhh+ 2π0 ντ (ex.K0)
hhh+ ≥ 0  neutrals ≥ 0   KL0  ντ
(3.252 ± 0.203) · 10−2average 
(3.400 ± 0.200 ± 0.300) · 10−2 CLEO[54]
 B77 = hhh+ 2π0 ντ (ex.K0,ω,η)
(9.790 ± 3.562) · 10−4average 
 B78 = hhh+ 3π0 ντ
(2.124 ± 0.299) · 10−4average 
(2.200 ± 0.300 ± 0.400) · 10−4 CLEO[55]
 B79 = Khh+ ≥ 0   neutrals  ντ
(0.6276 ± 0.0140) · 10−2average 
 B80 = K πh+ ντ (ex.K0)
(0.4364 ± 0.0073) · 10−2average 
K πh+ ντ (ex.K0)
π π+ π ντ (ex.K0)
(4.843 ± 0.079) · 10−2average 
(5.440 ± 0.210 ± 0.530) · 10−2 CLEO[56]
 B81 = K πh+ π0 ντ (ex.K0)
(8.498 ± 1.169) · 10−4average 
K πh+ π0 ντ (ex.K0)
π π+ π π0 ντ (ex.K0)
(1.893 ± 0.264) · 10−2average 
(2.610 ± 0.450 ± 0.420) · 10−2 CLEO[56]
 B82 = K π π+ ≥ 0   neutrals  ντ
(0.4759 ± 0.0136) · 10−2average 
(0.5800 −0.1300+0.1500 ± 0.1200) · 10−2 TPC[57]
 B83 = K π π+ ≥ 0   π0  ντ (ex.K0)
(0.3719 ± 0.0134) · 10−2average 
 B84 = K π π+ ντ
(0.3444 ± 0.0069) · 10−2average 
 B85 = K π+ π ντ (ex.K0)
(0.2930 ± 0.0068) · 10−2average 
(0.2140 ± 0.0370 ± 0.0290) · 10−2 ALEPH[58]
(0.2730 ± 0.0020 ± 0.0090) · 10−2 BaBar[50]
(0.3300 ± 0.0010 −0.0170+0.0160) · 10−2 Belle[51]
(0.3840 ± 0.0140 ± 0.0380) · 10−2 CLEO3[52]
(0.4150 ± 0.0530 ± 0.0400) · 10−2 OPAL[33]
K π+ π ντ (ex.K0)
π π+ π ντ (ex.K0)
(3.252 ± 0.074) · 10−2average 
 B87 = K π π+ π0 ντ
(0.1308 ± 0.0119) · 10−2average 
 B88 = K π π+ π0 ντ (ex.K0)
(7.891 ± 1.161) · 10−4average 
(6.100 ± 3.900 ± 1.800) · 10−4 ALEPH[58]
(7.400 ± 0.800 ± 1.100) · 10−4 CLEO3[59]
 B89 = K π π+ π0 ντ (ex.K0,η)
(7.536 ± 1.161) · 10−4average 
 B92 = πKK+ ≥ 0   neutrals  ντ
(0.1495 ± 0.0033) · 10−2average 
(0.1590 ± 0.0530 ± 0.0200) · 10−2 OPAL[60]
(0.1500 −0.0700+0.0900 ± 0.0300) · 10−2 TPC[57]
 B93 = πKK+ ντ
(0.1434 ± 0.0027) · 10−2average 
(0.1630 ± 0.0210 ± 0.0170) · 10−2 ALEPH[58]
(0.1346 ± 0.0010 ± 0.0036) · 10−2 BaBar[50]
(0.1550 ± 0.0010 −0.0050+0.0060) · 10−2 Belle[51]
(0.1550 ± 0.0060 ± 0.0090) · 10−2 CLEO3[52]
πKK+ ντ
π π+ π ντ (ex.K0)
(1.592 ± 0.030) · 10−2average 
(1.600 ± 0.150 ± 0.300) · 10−2 CLEO[56]
 B94 = πKK+ π0 ντ
(0.607 ± 0.183) · 10−4average 
(7.500 ± 2.900 ± 1.500) · 10−4 ALEPH[58]
(0.550 ± 0.140 ± 0.120) · 10−4 CLEO3[59]
πKK+ π0 ντ
π π+ π π0 ντ (ex.K0)
(0.1352 ± 0.0408) · 10−2average 
(0.7900 ± 0.4400 ± 0.1600) · 10−2 CLEO[56]
 B96 = KKK+ ντ
(2.169 ± 0.800) · 10−5average 
(1.578 ± 0.130 ± 0.123) · 10−5 BaBar[50]
(3.290 ± 0.170 −0.200+0.190) · 10−5 Belle[51]
 B102 = 3h 2h+ ≥ 0   neutrals  ντ (ex.K0)
(0.0993 ± 0.0037) · 10−2average 
(0.0970 ± 0.0050 ± 0.0110) · 10−2 CLEO[61]
(0.1020 ± 0.0290 ± 0.0000) · 10−2 HRS[62]
(0.1700 ± 0.0220 ± 0.0260) · 10−2 L3[47]
 B103 = 3h 2h+ ντ (ex.K0)
(8.281 ± 0.314) · 10−4average 
(7.200 ± 0.900 ± 1.200) · 10−4 ALEPH[6]
(6.400 ± 2.300 ± 1.000) · 10−4 ARGUS[63]
(7.700 ± 0.500 ± 0.900) · 10−4 CLEO[61]
(9.700 ± 1.500 ± 0.500) · 10−4 DELPHI[25]
(5.100 ± 2.000 ± 0.000) · 10−4 HRS[62]
(9.100 ± 1.400 ± 0.600) · 10−4 OPAL[64]
 B104 = 3h 2h+ π0 ντ (ex.K0)
(1.645 ± 0.114) · 10−4average 
(2.100 ± 0.700 ± 0.900) · 10−4 ALEPH[6]
(1.700 ± 0.200 ± 0.200) · 10−4 CLEO[55]
(1.600 ± 1.200 ± 0.600) · 10−4 DELPHI[25]
(2.700 ± 1.800 ± 0.900) · 10−4 OPAL[64]
 B106 = (5π) ντ
(0.7793 ± 0.0534) · 10−2average 
 B110 = Xs ντ
(2.908 ± 0.048) · 10−2average 
 B126 = π π0 η ντ
(0.1386 ± 0.0072) · 10−2average 
(0.1800 ± 0.0400 ± 0.0200) · 10−2 ALEPH[65]
(0.1350 ± 0.0030 ± 0.0070) · 10−2 Belle[66]
(0.1700 ± 0.0200 ± 0.0200) · 10−2 CLEO[67]
 B128 = K η ντ
(1.547 ± 0.080) · 10−4average 
(2.900 −1.200+1.300 ± 0.700) · 10−4 ALEPH[65]
(1.420 ± 0.110 ± 0.070) · 10−4 BaBar[68]
(1.580 ± 0.050 ± 0.090) · 10−4 Belle[66]
(2.600 ± 0.500 ± 0.500) · 10−4 CLEO[69]
 B130 = K π0 η ντ
(0.483 ± 0.116) · 10−4average 
(0.460 ± 0.110 ± 0.040) · 10−4 Belle[66]
(1.770 ± 0.560 ± 0.710) · 10−4 CLEO[70]
 B132 = πK0 η ντ
(0.937 ± 0.149) · 10−4average 
(0.880 ± 0.140 ± 0.060) · 10−4 Belle[66]
(2.200 ± 0.700 ± 0.220) · 10−4 CLEO[70]
 B136 = π π+ π η ντ (ex.K0)
(2.202 ± 0.129) · 10−4average 
 B149 = h ω ≥ 0   neutrals  ντ
(2.395 ± 0.075) · 10−2average 
 B150 = h ω ντ
(1.988 ± 0.064) · 10−2average 
(1.910 ± 0.070 ± 0.060) · 10−2 ALEPH[65]
(1.600 ± 0.270 ± 0.410) · 10−2 CLEO[71]
h ω ντ
hhh+ π0 ντ (ex.K0)
0.4348 ± 0.0140average 
0.4310 ± 0.0330 ± 0.0000ALEPH[72]
0.4640 ± 0.0160 ± 0.0170CLEO[49]
 B151 = K ω ντ
(4.101 ± 0.922) · 10−4average 
(4.100 ± 0.600 ± 0.700) · 10−4 CLEO3[59]
 B152 = h π0 ω ντ
(0.4069 ± 0.0419) · 10−2average 
(0.4300 ± 0.0600 ± 0.0500) · 10−2 ALEPH[65]
h ω π0 ντ
hhh+ ≥ 0  neutrals ≥ 0   KL0  ντ
(2.678 ± 0.275) · 10−2average 
h ω π0 ντ
hhh+ 2π0 ντ (ex.K0)
0.8235 ± 0.0757average 
0.8100 ± 0.0600 ± 0.0600CLEO[54]
 B167 = K φ ντ
(4.408 ± 1.626) · 10−5average 
 B168 = K φ(K+K) ντ
(2.169 ± 0.800) · 10−5average 
 B169 = K φ(KS0KL0) ντ
(1.499 ± 0.553) · 10−5average 
 B800 = π ω ντ
(1.947 ± 0.065) · 10−2average 
 B802 = K π π+ ντ (ex.K0,ω)
(0.2924 ± 0.0068) · 10−2average 
 B803 = K π π+ π0 ντ (ex.K0,ω,η)
(3.874 ± 1.423) · 10−4average 
 B804 = πKL0KL0 ντ
(2.349 ± 0.065) · 10−4average 
 B805 = a1 γ) ντ
(4.000 ± 2.000) · 10−4average 
(4.000 ± 2.000 ± 0.000) · 10−4 ALEPH[6]
 B806 = πKL0KL0 π0 ντ
(1.820 ± 0.207) · 10−5average 
 B810 = 2π π+ 3π0 ντ (ex.K0)
(1.940 ± 0.298) · 10−4average 
 B811 = π 2π0 ω ντ
(7.164 ± 1.586) · 10−5average 
(7.300 ± 1.200 ± 1.200) · 10−5 BaBar[73]
 B812 = 2π π+ 3π0 ντ (ex.K0,η,ω,f1)
(1.353 ± 2.683) · 10−5average 
(1.000 ± 0.800 ± 3.000) · 10−5 BaBar[73]
 B820 = 3π 2π+ ντ (ex.K0,ω)
(8.262 ± 0.313) · 10−4average 
 B821 = 3π 2π+ ντ (ex.K0,ω,f1)
(7.738 ± 0.295) · 10−4average 
(7.680 ± 0.040 ± 0.400) · 10−4 BaBar[73]
 B822 = K 2π 2π+ ντ (ex.K0)
(0.593 ± 1.208) · 10−6average 
(0.600 ± 0.500 ± 1.100) · 10−6 BaBar[73]
 B830 = 3π 2π+ π0 ντ (ex.K0)
(1.633 ± 0.113) · 10−4average 
 B831 = 2π π+ ω ντ (ex.K0)
(8.417 ± 0.624) · 10−5average 
(8.400 ± 0.400 ± 0.600) · 10−5 BaBar[73]
 B832 = 3π 2π+ π0 ντ (ex.K0,η,ω,f1)
(3.772 ± 0.874) · 10−5average 
(3.600 ± 0.300 ± 0.900) · 10−5 BaBar[73]
 B833 = K 2π 2π+ π0 ντ (ex.K0)
(1.107 ± 0.566) · 10−6average 
(1.100 ± 0.400 ± 0.400) · 10−6 BaBar[73]
 B910 = 2π π+ η(3π0) ντ (ex.K0)
(7.195 ± 0.422) · 10−5average 
(8.270 ± 0.880 ± 0.810) · 10−5 BaBar[73]
 B911 = π 2π0 η(π+ π π0) ντ (ex.K0)
(4.457 ± 0.867) · 10−5average 
(4.570 ± 0.770 ± 0.500) · 10−5 BaBar[73]
 B920 = πf1(2π 2π+) ντ
(5.237 ± 0.444) · 10−5average 
(5.200 ± 0.310 ± 0.370) · 10−5 BaBar[73]
 B930 = 2π π+ η(π+ π π0) ντ (ex.K0)
(5.046 ± 0.296) · 10−5average 
(5.390 ± 0.270 ± 0.410) · 10−5 BaBar[73]
 B944 = 2π π+ η(γ γ) ντ (ex.K0)
(8.676 ± 0.509) · 10−5average 
(8.260 ± 0.350 ± 0.510) · 10−5 BaBar[73]
 B945 = π 2π0 η ντ (ex.K0)
(1.945 ± 0.378) · 10−4average 
 B998 = 1 −  BAll
(0.0684 ± 0.1068) · 10−2average 

2.5 Correlation coefficients between basis branching fractions uncertainties

The following tables report the correlation coefficients between basis quantities that were obtained from the τ branching fractions fit, in percent.

Table 2: Basis quantities correlation coefficients in percent, subtable 1.
B5 23             
B9 85            
B10 577           
B14 -14-15-13-3          
B16 112-1-8         
B20 -5-5-8-1-411        
B23 220-20-13-7       
B27 -5-4-8-111-361      
B28 221-11-13-1-22-10     
B30 -4-3-10-1-806-2-442    
B35 00000000000   
B37 0-110000-20-20-15  
B40 00000101-110-122 
  B3 B5 B9 B10 B14 B16 B20 B23 B27 B28 B30 B35 B37 B40

Table 3: Basis quantities correlation coefficients in percent, subtable 2.
B42 00000-31-50-50-1-14-20
B44 00000000000-10-4
B47 0-1200200000-13-4
B48 00000000000-30-2
B50 00000000000150
B51 00000000000-10-1
B53 00000000000000
B62 -2-480-34-70-60-5-130
B70 -6-6-7-1-100-10-1030-10
B77 -10-30-2000202000
B93 0-130-12-10-10-1020
B94 00000000000000
B126 000000-1000-2000
B128 0010010-10-10010
  B3 B5 B9 B10 B14 B16 B20 B23 B27 B28 B30 B35 B37 B40

Table 4: Basis quantities correlation coefficients in percent, subtable 3.
B130 00000000000000
B132 00000000000000
B136 0010010000-1010
B151 00000000000000
B152 -1-1-30-20-10202000
B167 00000000000000
B800 -1-1-20-3000001000
B802 101000-20-10-1000
B803 2210200000-1000
B805 00000000000000
B811 00000000000000
B812 01000000000000
B821 002001-10-10-1010
B822 00000000000000
  B3 B5 B9 B10 B14 B16 B20 B23 B27 B28 B30 B35 B37 B40

Table 5: Basis quantities correlation coefficients in percent, subtable 4.
B831 0010010000-1010
B832 00000000000000
B833 00000000000000
B920 0010010000-1010
B945 00000000000000
  B3 B5 B9 B10 B14 B16 B20 B23 B27 B28 B30 B35 B37 B40

Table 6: Basis quantities correlation coefficients in percent, subtable 5.
B44 0             
B47 10            
B48 -1-60           
B50 60-70          
B51 0-30-60         
B53 000000        
B62 -1050100       
B70 00-10000-20      
B77 0000000-1-7     
B93 002000016-40    
B94 00000000-100   
B126 000000010-500  
B128 0010000200104 
  B42 B44 B47 B48 B50 B51 B53 B62 B70 B77 B93 B94 B126 B128

Table 7: Basis quantities correlation coefficients in percent, subtable 6.
B130 000000000-10011
B132 00000000000021
B136 00100002-101000
B151 000000001200000
B152 0000000-1-11-640000
B167 0000000-1001000
B800 0000000-8-67-3-1000
B802 000000020-701000
B803 0000000-3-14-1-1-30-1
B805 00000000000000
B811 00000000-100000
B812 0000-100-1-100000
B821 00200003-101001
B822 00000000000000
  B42 B44 B47 B48 B50 B51 B53 B62 B70 B77 B93 B94 B126 B128

Table 8: Basis quantities correlation coefficients in percent, subtable 7.
B831 00100001-101000
B832 00000000000000
B833 00000000000000
B920 00100001-101000
B945 00000000-100000
  B42 B44 B47 B48 B50 B51 B53 B62 B70 B77 B93 B94 B126 B128

Table 9: Basis quantities correlation coefficients in percent, subtable 8.
B132 0             
B136 00            
B151 000           
B152 0000          
B167 00000         
B800 000-14-30        
B802 000-201-2       
B803 000-58-10100      
B805 000000000     
B811 0-1200000000    
B812 0-2-80000000-16   
B821 004600000008-4  
B822 00-1000000000-1 
  B130 B132 B136 B151 B152 B167 B800 B802 B803 B805 B811 B812 B821 B822

Table 10: Basis quantities correlation coefficients in percent, subtable 9.
B831 0039000000014-439-1
B832 00300000002030
B833 00-1000000000-10
B920 002000000003-234-1
B945 0-125000000010-11100
  B130 B132 B136 B151 B152 B167 B800 B802 B803 B805 B811 B812 B821 B822

Table 11: Basis quantities correlation coefficients in percent, subtable 10.
B832 -2    
B833 -1-1   
B920 1710  
B945 17204 
  B831 B832 B833 B920 B945

2.6 Equality constraints

The constraints on the τ branching-fractions fit quantities are listed in the following equations. When a quantity such as B3/ B5 appears on the left side of the equation it represents a fitted quantity, while when it appears on the right side it represents the ratio of two separate fitted quantities.

The equations include coefficients that arise from non-τ branching fractions, denoted, e.g., with the self-describing notation BKS → π0π0. Some coefficients are probabilities corresponding to the squared moduli of amplitudes describing quantum state mixtures, such as K0, K0, KS, KL. These are denoted with, e.g., B<K0|KS> = |<K0|KS>|2. The values of all non-τ quantities are taken from the PDG 2021 ‍[7] averages. The fit procedure does not account for their uncertainties, which are generally small with respect to the uncertainties on the τ branching fractions.

 B1 = B3 +  B5 +  B9 +  B10 +  B14 +  B16           
 +  B20 +  B23 +  B27 +  B28 +  B30 +  B35           
 +  B40 +  B44 +  B37 +  B42 +  B47 +  B48           
 +  B804 +  B50 +  B51 +  B806 +  B126· Bη→neutral           
 +  B128· Bη→neutral +  B130· Bη→neutral +  B132· Bη→neutral           
 +  B800· Bω→π0γ +  B151· Bω→π0γ +  B152· Bω→π0γ           
 +  B167· Bφ→ KSKL          
 B2 = B3 +  B5 +  B9 +  B10 +  B14 +  B16           
 +  B20 +  B23 +  B27 +  B28 +  B30 +  B35·( B<K0|KS>· BKS→π0π0         
 + B<K0|KL>) +  B40·( B<K0|KS>· BKS→π0π0+ B<K0|KL>) +  B44·( B<K0|KS>· BKS→π0π0         
 + B<K0|KL>) +  B37·( B<K0|KS>· BKS→π0π0+ B<K0|KL>) +  B42·( B<K0|KS>· BKS→π0π0         
 + B<K0|KL>) +  B47·( BKS→π0π0· BKS→π0π0) +  B48· BKS→π0π0           
 +  B804 +  B50·( BKS→π0π0· BKS→π0π0) +  B51· BKS→π0π0           
 +  B806 +  B126· Bη→neutral +  B128· Bη→neutral +  B130· Bη→neutral           
 +  B132·( Bη→neutral·( B<K0|KS>· BKS→π0π0+ B<K0|KL>)) +  B800· Bω→π0γ           
 +  B151· Bω→π0γ +  B152· Bω→π0γ +  B167·( Bφ→ KSKL· BKS→π0π0)          
 B7 = B35· B<K0|KL> +  B9 +  B804 +  B37· B<K0|KL>           
 +  B10          
 B8 = B9 +  B10          
 B11 = B14 +  B16 +  B20 +  B23 +  B27 +  B28           
 +  B30 +  B35·( B<K0|KS>· BKS→π0π0) +  B37·( B<K0|KS>· BKS→π0π0)           
 +  B40·( B<K0|KS>· BKS→π0π0) +  B42·( B<K0|KS>· BKS→π0π0)           
 +  B47·( BKS→π0π0· BKS→π0π0) +  B50·( BKS→π0π0· BKS→π0π0)           
 +  B126· Bη→neutral +  B128· Bη→neutral +  B130· Bη→neutral           
 +  B132·( B<K0|KS>· BKS→π0π0· Bη→neutral) +  B151· Bω→π0γ           
 +  B152· Bω→π0γ +  B800· Bω→π0γ          
 B12 = B128· Bη→3π0 +  B30 +  B23 +  B28 +  B14           
 +  B16 +  B20 +  B27 +  B126· Bη→3π0 +  B130· Bη→3π0          
 B13 = B14 +  B16          
 B17 = B128· Bη→3π0 +  B30 +  B23 +  B28 +  B35·( B<K0|KS>· BKS→π0π0)           
 +  B40·( B<K0|KS>· BKS→π0π0) +  B42·( B<K0|KS>· BKS→π0π0)           
 +  B20 +  B27 +  B47·( BKS→π0π0· BKS→π0π0) +  B50·( BKS→π0π0· BKS→π0π0)           
 +  B126· Bη→3π0 +  B37·( B<K0|KS>· BKS→π0π0) +  B130· Bη→3π0          
 B18 = B23 +  B35·( B<K0|KS>· BKS→π0π0) +  B20 +  B37·( B<K0|KS>· BKS→π0π0)          
 B19 = B23 +  B20          
 B24 = B27 +  B28 +  B30 +  B40·( B<K0|KS>· BKS→π0π0)           
 +  B42·( B<K0|KS>· BKS→π0π0) +  B47·( BKS→π0π0· BKS→π0π0)           
 +  B50·( BKS→π0π0· BKS→π0π0) +  B126· Bη→3π0 +  B128· Bη→3π0           
 +  B130· Bη→3π0 +  B132·( B<K0|KS>· BKS→π0π0· Bη→3π0)          
 B25 = B128· Bη→3π0 +  B30 +  B28 +  B27 +  B126· Bη→3π0           
 +  B130· Bη→3π0          
 B26 = B128· Bη→3π0 +  B28 +  B40·( B<K0|KS>· BKS→π0π0)           
 +  B42·( B<K0|KS>· BKS→π0π0) +  B27          
 B29 = B30 +  B126· Bη→3π0 +  B130· Bη→3π0          
 B31 = B128· Bη→neutral +  B23 +  B28 +  B42 +  B16           
 +  B37 +  B10 +  B167·( Bφ→ KSKL· BKS→π0π0)          
 B32 = B16 +  B23 +  B28 +  B37 +  B42 +  B128· Bη→neutral           
 +  B130· Bη→neutral +  B167·( Bφ→ KSKL· BKS→π0π0)          
 B33 = B35· B<K0|KS> +  B40· B<K0|KS> +  B42· B<K0|KS>           
 +  B47 +  B48 +  B50 +  B51 +  B37· B<K0|KS>           
 +  B132·( B<K0|KS>· Bη→neutral) +  B44· B<K0|KS> +  B167· Bφ→ KSKL          
 B34 = B35 +  B37          
 B38 = B42 +  B37          
 B39 = B40 +  B42          
 B43 = B40 +  B44          
 B46 = B48 +  B47 +  B804          
 B49 = B50 +  B51 +  B806          
 B54 = B35·( B<K0|KS>· BKS→π+π) +  B37·( B<K0|KS>· BKS→π+π)           
 +  B40·( B<K0|KS>· BKS→π+π) +  B42·( B<K0|KS>· BKS→π+π)           
 +  B47·(2· BKS→π+π· BKS→π0π0) +  B48· BKS→π+π           
 +  B50·(2· BKS→π+π· BKS→π0π0) +  B51· BKS→π+π           
 +  B53·( B<K0|KS>· BKS→π0π0+ B<K0|KL>) +  B62 +  B70           
 +  B77 +  B78 +  B93 +  B94 +  B126· Bη→charged           
 +  B128· Bη→charged +  B130· Bη→charged +  B132·( B<K0|KL>· Bη→π+ππ0           
 +  B<K0|KS>· BKS→π0π0· Bη→π+ππ0 +  B<K0|KS>· BKS→π+π· Bη→3π0)           
 +  B151·( Bω→π+ππ0+ Bω→π+π) +  B152·( Bω→π+ππ0+ Bω→π+π)           
 +  B167·( Bφ→ K+K +  Bφ→ KSKL· BKS→π+π) +  B802 +  B803           
 +  B800·( Bω→π+ππ0+ Bω→π+π)          
 B55 = B128· Bη→charged +  B152·( Bω→π+ππ0+ Bω→π+π) +  B78           
 +  B77 +  B94 +  B62 +  B70 +  B93 +  B126· Bη→charged           
 +  B802 +  B803 +  B800·( Bω→π+ππ0+ Bω→π+π) +  B151·( Bω→π+ππ0         
 + Bω→π+π) +  B130· Bη→charged +  B168          
 B56 = B35·( B<K0|KS>· BKS→π+π) +  B62 +  B93 +  B37·( B<K0|KS>· BKS→π+π)           
 +  B802 +  B800· Bω→π+π +  B151· Bω→π+π +  B168          
 B57 = B62 +  B93 +  B802 +  B800· Bω→π+π +  B151· Bω→π+π           
 +  B167· Bφ→ K+K          
 B58 = B62 +  B93 +  B802 +  B167· Bφ→ K+K          
 B59 = B35·( B<K0|KS>· BKS→π+π) +  B62 +  B800· Bω→π+π          
 B60 = B62 +  B800· Bω→π+π          
 B63 = B40·( B<K0|KS>· BKS→π+π) +  B42·( B<K0|KS>· BKS→π+π)           
 +  B47·(2· BKS→π+π· BKS→π0π0) +  B50·(2· BKS→π+π· BKS→π0π0)           
 +  B70 +  B77 +  B78 +  B94 +  B126· Bη→charged           
 +  B128· Bη→charged +  B130· Bη→charged +  B132·( B<K0|KS>· BKS→π+π· Bη→neutral           
 +  B<K0|KS>· BKS→π0π0· Bη→charged) +  B151· Bω→π+ππ0 +  B152·( Bω→π+ππ0         
 + Bω→π+π) +  B800· Bω→π+ππ0 +  B803          
 B64 = B78 +  B77 +  B94 +  B70 +  B126· Bη→π+ππ0           
 +  B128· Bη→π+ππ0 +  B130· Bη→π+ππ0 +  B800· Bω→π+ππ0           
 +  B151· Bω→π+ππ0 +  B152·( Bω→π+ππ0+ Bω→π+π) +  B803          
 B65 = B40·( B<K0|KS>· BKS→π+π) +  B42·( B<K0|KS>· BKS→π+π)           
 +  B70 +  B94 +  B128· Bη→π+ππ0 +  B151· Bω→π+ππ0           
 +  B152· Bω→π+π +  B800· Bω→π+ππ0 +  B803          
 B66 = B70 +  B94 +  B128· Bη→π+ππ0 +  B151· Bω→π+ππ0           
 +  B152· Bω→π+π +  B800· Bω→π+ππ0 +  B803          
 B67 = B70 +  B94 +  B128· Bη→π+ππ0 +  B803          
 B68 = B40·( B<K0|KS>· BKS→π+π) +  B70 +  B152· Bω→π+π           
 +  B800· Bω→π+ππ0          
 B69 = B152· Bω→π+π +  B70 +  B800· Bω→π+ππ0          
 B74 = B152· Bω→π+ππ0 +  B78 +  B77 +  B126· Bη→π+ππ0           
 +  B130· Bη→π+ππ0          
 B75 = B152· Bω→π+ππ0 +  B47·(2· BKS→π+π· BKS→π0π0)           
 +  B77 +  B126· Bη→π+ππ0 +  B130· Bη→π+ππ0          
 B76 = B152· Bω→π+ππ0 +  B77 +  B126· Bη→π+ππ0 +  B130· Bη→π+ππ0          
 B78 = B810 +  B50·(2· BKS→π+π· BKS→π0π0) +  B132·( B<K0|KS>· BKS→π+π· Bη→3π0)          
 B79 = B37·( B<K0|KS>· BKS→π+π) +  B42·( B<K0|KS>· BKS→π+π)           
 +  B93 +  B94 +  B128· Bη→charged +  B151·( Bω→π+ππ0         
 + Bω→π+π) +  B168 +  B802 +  B803          
 B80 = B93 +  B802 +  B151· Bω→π+π          
 B81 = B128· Bη→π+ππ0 +  B94 +  B803 +  B151· Bω→π+ππ0          
 B82 = B128· Bη→charged +  B42·( B<K0|KS>· BKS→π+π) +  B802           
 +  B803 +  B151·( Bω→π+ππ0+ Bω→π+π) +  B37·( B<K0|KS>· BKS→π+π)          
 B83 = B128· Bη→π+ππ0 +  B802 +  B803 +  B151·( Bω→π+ππ0         
 + Bω→π+π)          
 B84 = B802 +  B151· Bω→π+π +  B37·( B<K0|KS>· BKS→π+π)          
 B85 = B802 +  B151· Bω→π+π          
 B87 = B42·( B<K0|KS>· BKS→π+π) +  B128· Bη→π+ππ0 +  B151· Bω→π+ππ0           
 +  B803          
 B88 = B128· Bη→π+ππ0 +  B803 +  B151· Bω→π+ππ0          
 B89 = B803 +  B151· Bω→π+ππ0          
 B92 = B94 +  B93          
 B96 = B167· Bφ→ K+K          
 B102 = B103 +  B104          
 B103 = B820 +  B822 +  B831· Bω→π+π          
 B104 = B830 +  B833          
 B106 = B30 +  B44· B<K0|KS> +  B47 +  B53· B<K0|KS>           
 +  B77 +  B103 +  B126·( Bη→3π0+ Bη→π+ππ0) +  B152· Bω→π+ππ0          
 B110 = B10 +  B16 +  B23 +  B28 +  B35 +  B40           
 +  B128 +  B802 +  B803 +  B151 +  B130 +  B132           
 +  B44 +  B53 +  B168 +  B169 +  B822 +  B833          
 B149 = B152 +  B800 +  B151          
 B150 = B800 +  B151          
 B168 = B167· Bφ→ K+K          
 B169 = B167· Bφ→ KSKL          
 B804 = B47 · (( B<K0|KL>· B<K0|KL>) / ( B<K0|KS>· B<K0|KS>))          
 B806 = B50 · (( B<K0|KL>· B<K0|KL>) / ( B<K0|KS>· B<K0|KS>))          
 B810 = B910 +  B911 +  B811· Bω→π+ππ0 +  B812          
 B820 = B920 +  B821          
 B830 = B930 +  B831· Bω→π+ππ0 +  B832          
 B910 = B136· Bη→3π0          
 B911 = B945· Bη→π+ππ0          
 B930 = B136· Bη→π+ππ0          
 B944 = B136· Bη→γγ          
 BAll = B3 +  B5 +  B9 +  B10 +  B14 +  B16           
 +  B20 +  B23 +  B27 +  B28 +  B30 +  B35           
 +  B37 +  B40 +  B42 +  B47·(1 + (( B<K0|KL>· B<K0|KL>) / ( B<K0|KS>· B<K0|KS>)))           
 +  B48 +  B62 +  B70 +  B77 +  B811 +  B812           
 +  B93 +  B94 +  B832 +  B833 +  B126 +  B128           
 +  B802 +  B803 +  B800 +  B151 +  B130 +  B132           
 +  B44 +  B53 +  B50·(1 + (( B<K0|KL>· B<K0|KL>) / ( B<K0|KS>· B<K0|KS>)))           
 +  B51 +  B167·( Bφ→ K+K+ Bφ→ KSKL) +  B152 +  B920           
 +  B821 +  B822 +  B831 +  B136 +  B945 +  B805          


HFLAV-Tau Winter 2022 Report
