Baryonic B Decays
Updated: December 2011.
Full set of Tables and references: pdf format for download
This file, the main result of this part of HFAG, contains all the baryonic B decay measurements in a set of tables.
Table 1 = B
modes; Table 2 = B
All references are included.
Table 1 - actively linked gif for convenient web access
table. Each line in the table is actively linked to references.
Table 2 - actively linked gif for convenient web access
table. Each line in the table is actively linked to references.
TeX file for Full set of Tables
The .tex file used to produce all the tables.
driver.tex for implementing above TeX file.
Supporting .tex driver file.
Non-strange charmless baryonic modes.
actively linked gif for convenient web access
colorful - presentation quality - pdf format
colorful - presentation quality - gzipped eps format
plain - presentation quality - pdf format
plain - presentation quality - gzipped eps format
Charmless baryonic modes.
actively linked gif for convenient web access
colorful - presentation quality - pdf format
colorful - presentation quality - gzipped eps format
plain - presentation quality - pdf format
plain - presentation quality - gzipped eps format
For HFAG use: