Overview of Rare Charm Decays
(updated 26 September 2012)
People working on this:
Marco Gersabeck
This page provides an overview of rare charm decays.
There are separate pages for
Ds+, and
Λc+ decays.
Relevant theory papers include
- A.V. Borisov, arXiv:1112.3269 [hep-ph]:
R-parity violating MSSM predictions for D+→K-l+l'+.
- I. Bigi, A. Paul, S. Recksiegel, Phys. Rev. D82 (2010) 094006, Erratum-ibid. D83 (2011) 019901:
SM and LHT predictions for D0→γγ and μμ.
- E. Golowich, J. Hewett, S. Pakvasa, A.A. Petrov, Phys.Rev. D79 (2009) 114030:
Correlations of D0→ll and D0 mixing in various NP models.
- S. Fajfer, N. Kosnik, S. Prelovsek, Phys. Rev. D76 (2007) 074010:
NP predictions for D+→πll and Ds+→Kll.
- S. Fajfer, A. Prapotnik, S. Prelovsek, P. Singer, J. Zupan, Nucl. Phys. Proc. Suppl. 115 (2003) 93-97:
SM predictions for D→Vμμ and Pll.
- G. Burdman, E. Golowich, J.L. Hewett, S. Pakvasa, Phys. Rev. D66 (2002) 014009 :
SM and NP predictions for D0→γγ, μμ, and D→Pll, Vll.
This page is maintained by
M. Gersabeck
and was last updated
04/28/2012 17:26:49